Oops. Kitten (and real life) alert.

So, I’ve been away for a while, and I do apologize. It’s not my favorite thing in the world – falling behind on postings, that is.

It’s been busy. I’ve been in and out of San Francisco, managing some new things with real life, playing Dragon Age: Inquisition (binging, that is) almost unhealthily for about a week, reading a few too many books (again with the binge), writing (too little), and that all culminates in not having enough time. Oh, that and my laptop which I do backups on for the RAW files (it’s weird) is currently in IT-life-support-status… hopefully there’s some favorable results there soon, or I’ll be a truly sad panda.

More or less back to the same ol’ grind for about two weeks until craziness picks up again (in which I mean a few conferences plus more San Francisco, plus something called NaNoWriMo)… But I’ll try to update again!

Currently also looking at new bodies for my Nikon life. I’ve definitely outgrown the D90 in terms of what I want to shoot… and I guess it’s just that time. Upgrade this, upgrade that. Truly never ends.

That said, here’s an iPhone photo of Zora. She’s adorable as ever, even if I don’t have the capability to upload anything from my Nikon.


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